What's not shown in the picture is the fruit filling. Yes, right above that creamy layer is a spread of fruit jam or something. Some of it oozed out when I tried getting the picture above. Right off the bat, I really liked the blueberry parfait flavor. I don't know what it is about blueberry filling, but I really enjoy it. I'm not sure how many widely available candies have blueberry outside of fruit snacks. I also really like Meiji brand Blueberry Chocolate bars as well. The pudding parfait flavor was not my favorite. That's not to say it was bad, but it was because I couldn't tell what it was. I have no idea what pudding parfait tastes like. Moving on, strawberry parfait was good, but not as good as blueberry parfait. I could definitely smell the strawberry flavoring in it. The chocolate parfait tasted and smelled like coffee. Not exactly chocolate, but hey, it's different from the other fruity flavors. I think this was a better showing than the previous LOOK product I wrote about, but I still have an issue about the chocolate. Something about their chocolate rubs me the wrong way. Regardless though, I will state it again, this is better than LOOK Baskin Robbins.
LOOK Parfait A La Mode: 7/10
LOOK Parfait A La Mode: 7/10