Anyway, I took it upon myself to be the judge of these candies. The first one I decided to try was some sort of strawberry flavored toffee
This candy was much softer than candies like Starbursts. Also the flavor was a bit more tart as well. It was good, but nothing amazing. It was a solid choice and I'm going to literally throw these at the heads of my students until they eat it. They need to try and accept sweets from all parts of the world. Next up:
Not only does it look like a caramel chew, it tastes like one as well. I like caramel chews. That means that I liked this candy. It's a bit softer than what I'm used to, like the strawberry toffee, but the flavor was good. I don't understand why my students won't eat these. Well, maybe they were just unsure yesterday. Today could be the day they try these candies. To end this entry, I'll tell you about a friend of mine:
Every student I told this about seemed disgusted by the concept of fizzy chocolate. Let me tell you, this was the best item that I've tried so far (I've only tried the three I just wrote about). This bar is chock full of the popping candy and there was not a moment that it was not popping. The chocolate tasted very good as well. However, the popping candy just put it over the edge and made me love it. Sure it may be a novelty, but it's pretty cool in my opinion.
Hopefully some students will try some of the candies I bought. I'm not sure what the other candies taste like, but I know the toffees were solid and the chocolate was pretty awesome. I don't know what food they eat in Eastern Europe, but I can tell you that I enjoy the candy that they sell there.
Hopefully some students will try some of the candies I bought. I'm not sure what the other candies taste like, but I know the toffees were solid and the chocolate was pretty awesome. I don't know what food they eat in Eastern Europe, but I can tell you that I enjoy the candy that they sell there.
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